You don’t have a budget for your website..? You don’t want to buy SSL Certificate- no problem, we got you covered. Ask your hosting provider to get free ASKSSL plugin to allow you deploy unlimited SSL certificates for free from any of your platform. ASKSSL mission is to encrypt global internet communications. Kindly note that …
Author Archives: Kevin K.
Remove Not Secure on Chrome Web browser
Do you see this message “Not Secure” on the browser when you access the website..? Checking you see “Your connection to this site is not secure” Your communication sent to that website is not secure and can be tapped or changed when in transit. Solution to Not Secure Website Install or get the website owners …
Number one SSL store in the World
Who is the number one SSL seller in the world? Who is providing more SSL Certificate to the world? ASKSSL stands high on such quest, ASKSSL may not be making as much money as other SSL providers but ASKSSL is proud with the role of encrypting global internet communication. ASKSSL is providing free SSL certificates …
How SSL Works
It is worth noting that SSL protocol was preceded by a more secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) in 1999 but people continue to refer the technology as SSL. How SSL Works: The first party in this case a browser or a server initiate communication by making request to connect to a website, the web …
A Million SSL Globally Target
Sounds a realistic target? – Off course not. This is why we consider it a worthy undertaking at ASKSSL. ASKSSL shares in the mission of Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) of encrypting all the internet communications. ASKSSL provides both paid and free SSL certificates globally. ASKSSL partners with all CAs to achieve this mission. One of …