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5 Easy Steps to Install SSL Certificate on Blogger

Today, we’re diving deep into how to install SSL certificate on Blogger.

Why should you care?


Today, running a website without SSL is like leaving your front door wide open in a sketchy neighborhood.

You’re practically inviting trouble.

But here’s the kicker: installing an SSL certificate isn’t just about security.

It’s about credibility, SEO rankings, and giving your visitors that warm, fuzzy feeling when they see that little padlock in their browser.

I’ve been in the trenches, folks.

I’ve seen blogs rise and fall based on this one simple factor.

And today, I’m going to walk you through the process, step by step, no fluff, no BS.

By the end of this post, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to secure your Blogger site like a pro.

So, buckle up.

We’re about to turn your blog into a digital fortress.

What You’ll Need to Install SSL Certificate on Blogger

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk gear.

You wouldn’t go into battle without your weapons, right?

Same principle applies here.

Here’s your arsenal for installing an SSL certificate on Blogger:

  1. A Blogger account: Duh, right? But seriously, make sure you have admin access.
  2. A custom domain: Sorry, but won’t cut it. You need your own domain.
  3. Access to your domain’s DNS settings: This is usually through your domain registrar.
  4. An SSL certificate: Don’t panic, we’ll cover how to get one.
  5. Patience: This process isn’t rocket science, but it might take a bit of time.

Now, let’s talk tools.

These aren’t mandatory, but they’ll make your life a whole lot easier:

  • SSL Checker: To verify your SSL installation. I recommend SSL Labs.
  • DNS Propagation Checker: To ensure your DNS changes have spread. WhatsmyDNS is my go-to.
  • HTTPS Everywhere: A browser extension to force HTTPS connections.

Here’s the deal: you could probably muddle through without these tools.

But why make life harder for yourself?

These tools are like the difference between digging a hole with a shovel and a spoon.

Sure, both will get the job done, but one’s going to save you a lot of time and headache.

Remember, we’re not just installing an SSL certificate.

We’re upgrading your entire online presence.

So gear up, because we’re about to embark on a journey that’ll take your blog from zero to hero in the security department.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Install SSL Certificate on Blogger

Alright, enough prep talk.

Let’s get our hands dirty and install that SSL certificate on your Blogger site.

I’m going to break this down into five easy steps.

Follow along, and you’ll be basking in the glow of that sweet, sweet HTTPS in no time.

1. Acquire a Custom Domain

First things first, you need your own domain.


Because Blogger’s default domains already have SSL.

We’re here for the big leagues.

  • Go to a domain registrar (GoDaddy, Namecheap, Google Domains, etc.)
  • Search for your desired domain name
  • Purchase it (Pro tip: look for deals, they’re always running specials)

Remember: Choose a domain that reflects your brand.

It’s your online real estate, make it count.

2. Set Up Custom Domain on Blogger

Now that you’ve got your shiny new domain, let’s tell Blogger about it.

  1. Log into your Blogger dashboard
  2. Click on “Settings” > “Basic”
  3. Under “Publishing,” click on “Add custom domain”
  4. Enter your new domain and click “Save”

Blogger will now give you some DNS records.

Don’t close this window!

We’ll need these in a minute.

3. Obtain an SSL Certificate

Here’s where the magic happens.

You’ve got two main options:

  1. Let’s Encrypt: Free, automatic, loved by techies everywhere.
  2. Paid SSL: More features, sometimes better support.

For most Blogger users, Let’s Encrypt is perfect.

Here’s the kicker: Blogger handles this for you automatically once you set up your custom domain correctly.

4. Configure DNS Settings

Time to get technical.

Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it.

  1. Log into your domain registrar
  2. Find the DNS management section
  3. Add the following records:
  • A CNAME record pointing your domain to
  • Four A records pointing to Google’s IP addresses (you got these from Blogger, remember?)

Pro tip: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate.

In reality, it’s usually much faster, but don’t panic if it’s not instant.

5. Enable HTTPS on Blogger

Final stretch, folks.

Let’s bring it home.

  1. Back in your Blogger dashboard, go to “Settings” > “Basic”
  2. Find the “HTTPS” section
  3. Select “Yes” to enable HTTPS availability
  4. Choose whether to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS (hint: you should)
  5. Save your changes


You’ve just installed an SSL certificate on your Blogger site.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

You’ve just joined the ranks of secure, trustworthy websites.

But we’re not done yet.

Let’s talk about how to make the most of your new SSL certificate.

Tips to Install SSL Certificate on Blogger Successfully

This is where the rubber meets the road.

Installing an SSL certificate is great, but maximizing its benefits?

That’s where the real magic happens.

Here are my top tips for SSL success:

  1. Test, test, and test again: Use SSL checkers regularly. Security isn’t a one-and-done deal.
  2. Update your internal links: Change http:// to https:// in your blog posts and pages.
  3. Set up 301 redirects: Ensure old http:// links point to your new https:// pages.
  4. Update external profiles: Change your website URL on social media, directories, etc.
  5. Monitor your traffic: Keep an eye on Google Analytics for any sudden drops.

Now, let’s break these down:

Testing Your SSL:

  • Use SSL Labs weekly
  • Check for certificate expiration dates
  • Verify all pages are served over HTTPS

Updating Internal Links:

  • Use a find-and-replace tool in your Blogger HTML
  • Don’t forget about images and other media
  • Check your widgets and sidebar links

Setting Up Redirects:

  • Blogger handles this if you selected the option in step 5
  • If not, you can add custom redirects in your template

Updating External Profiles:

  • Create a checklist of all places your URL appears
  • Prioritize high-traffic referral sources
  • Don’t forget about email signatures and business cards

Monitoring Traffic:

  • Set up Google Analytics alerts for traffic drops
  • Compare year-over-year data to account for seasonal changes
  • Look for changes in organic search performance

Remember, installing an SSL certificate is just the beginning.

These tips will help you squeeze every ounce of benefit from your new secure status.

Pro Tip: Set a recurring calendar reminder to check your SSL status monthly.

It’s like a health check-up for your website.

By following these tips, you’re not just securing your site.

You’re optimizing it for success in a world where security equals credibility.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

I’ve seen plenty of bloggers stumble when installing SSL certificates.

Let’s make sure you’re not one of them.

Here are the top mistakes to avoid:

  1. Ignoring mixed content warnings: This is like locking your front door but leaving the windows open.
  2. Forgetting to update Google Search Console: You’ve got a new https:// property, Google needs to know.
  3. Neglecting to update external services: Analytics, ad networks, affiliate links – they all need updating.
  4. Assuming everything’s fine after installation: Trust, but verify. Always.
  5. Not backing up before making changes: This is just good practice, period.

Let’s dive deeper:

Mixed Content Warnings:

  • Use browser dev tools to identify non-HTTPS resources
  • Update all image sources, scripts, and stylesheets to HTTPS
  • Be thorough – one missed resource can trigger warnings

Google Search Console Updates:

  • Add your new HTTPS property
  • Verify ownership (usually through DNS)
  • Submit your new sitemap
  • Set your preferred domain to the HTTPS version

Updating External Services:

  • Check all integrations: Mailchimp, social media plugins, etc.
  • Update any hardcoded URLs in your template
  • Don’t forget about comment systems like Disqus

Post-Installation Verification:

  • Use SSL Labs for a comprehensive check
  • Test on multiple browsers and devices
  • Verify redirect chains (HTTP to HTTPS)

Backing Up:

  • Export your Blogger template
  • Save a copy of your DNS settings
  • Screenshot your current Blogger settings

Here’s the deal: these mistakes are common because they’re easy to overlook.

But they can derail your entire SSL efforts if you’re not careful.

Remember: Installing an SSL certificate is not just a technical task.

It’s a holistic process that touches every part of your blog.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you’re setting yourself up for a smooth, secure transition.

And trust me, your visitors (and Google) will thank you for it.


Let’s face it: sometimes, things don’t go according to plan.

But don’t sweat it.

I’ve got your back.

Here are some common issues you might face when installing an SSL certificate on Blogger, and how to fix them:

Certificate Not Showing as Valid

  • Double-check your DNS settings
  • Ensure you’ve waited for DNS propagation (up to 48 hours)
  • Verify the certificate details match your domain

Mixed Content Warnings

  • Use browser dev tools to identify non-HTTPS resources
  • Update all content URLs to HTTPS
  • Check your template for hardcoded HTTP links

HTTPS Not Enforced

  • In Blogger settings, ensure “HTTPS Redirect” is enabled
  • Check for any conflicting redirects in your template
  • Verify .htaccess file if you’re using a custom domain on your own hosting

Performance Issues After SSL Installation

  • Enable HTTPS caching in your Blogger settings
  • Optimize images and other resources
  • Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

SSL Certificate Expiration

  • Set up reminders for renewal dates
  • Enable auto-renewal if available
  • Regularly check certificate status

Now, let’s talk solutions:

For Certificate Validation Issues:

  • Use SSL Checker to diagnose specific problems
  • Verify your CNAME and A records in your DNS settings
  • Contact your domain registrar if DNS issues persist

Dealing with Mixed Content:

  • Use the Why No Padlock? tool to identify insecure resources
  • Manually update all internal links to HTTPS
  • Use a plugin like “SSL Insecure Content Fixer” if available

Enforcing HTTPS:

  • Double-check your Blogger HTTPS settings
  • Use HSTS Preload to enforce HTTPS at the browser level
  • Implement proper redirects in your server configuration

Optimizing Performance:

Managing Certificate Expiration:

  • Use a monitoring service like Certbot for automatic renewals
  • Set up email notifications for expiration dates
  • Implement a backup plan for manual renewal if needed

Here’s the key: don’t panic.

Most SSL issues are solvable with a bit of patience and methodical troubleshooting.

Pro Tip: Keep a log of all changes you make during troubleshooting.

It’ll save you time if you need to backtrack or seek professional help.

Remember, if you’ve followed the steps correctly and are still facing issues, it’s okay to ask for help.

The Blogger community is vast and supportive.

Use forums, reach out to your hosting provider, or consider hiring a professional if the problem persists.

Your goal is a secure, functional website.

Don’t let temporary setbacks discourage you from achieving that.


Alright, let’s bring it home.

We’ve journeyed through the ins and outs of how to install SSL certificate on Blogger, and if you’ve followed along, you’re now the proud owner of a secure, trustworthy website.

Let’s recap what we’ve covered:

  1. We started with the basics – understanding why SSL is crucial in today’s digital landscape.
  2. We gathered our tools and resources, preparing for the task ahead.
  3. We walked through the step-by-step process of installing an SSL certificate.
  4. We discussed tips for maximizing the benefits of your new secure status.
  5. We covered common mistakes and how to avoid them.
  6. And finally, we tackled troubleshooting for when things don’t go as planned.

Here’s the bottom line: installing an SSL certificate on your Blogger site isn’t just a technical upgrade.

It’s a statement.

You’re telling your visitors, “I take your security seriously.”

You’re telling search engines, “I’m a legitimate, trustworthy site.”

And you’re telling yourself, “I’m committed to the success and professionalism of my blog.”

But remember, this isn’t the end of the road.

Web security is an ongoing process.

Stay vigilant, keep learning, and always be ready to adapt to new security standards.

So, what’s next?

Take action.

Don’t let this knowledge gather dust.

Start the process of securing your Blogger site today.

Your visitors will thank you, search engines will reward you, and you’ll sleep better knowing you’ve taken a crucial step in protecting your online presence.

And hey, if you run into any hiccups along the way, remember: the blogging community is here to help.

Don’t hesitate to reach out, ask questions, and share your experiences.

You’ve got this.

FAQ Section

How long does it take to install an SSL certificate on Blogger?

The actual process can be completed in about 30 minutes, but allow up to 48 hours for DNS changes to propagate fully.

Is installing an SSL certificate on Blogger free?

Yes, if you use Let’s Encrypt through Blogger’s automatic SSL feature. There may be costs associated with purchasing a custom domain.

Will installing SSL affect my blog’s SEO?

Generally, SSL can positively impact SEO as Google considers HTTPS a ranking factor. However, ensure proper implementation to avoid any negative effects.

Can I install SSL on a Blogspot subdomain?

Blogspot subdomains already have SSL enabled by default. This process is for custom domains.

What if I’m using a custom domain not purchased through Blogger?

The process is the same. You’ll need to configure your DNS settings at your domain registrar to point to Blogger

How often do I need to renew my SSL certificate?

If you’re using Let’s Encrypt through Blogger, renewal is automatic. For other certificates, renewal periods vary but are typically 1-2 years.

Will SSL slow down my website?

Modern SSL implementations have minimal impact on site speed. In fact, enabling HTTP/2 (which requires HTTPS) can actually improve performance.

Can I use a free SSL certificate from my domain registrar instead?

While some registrars offer free SSL certificates, it’s usually easiest to use Blogger’s built-in SSL feature for seamless integration.

What should I do if I see a “Not Secure” warning after installation?

This usually indicates mixed content. Check your site for any resources (images, scripts, etc.) still loading over HTTP and update them to HTTPS.

Is it necessary to redirect HTTP to HTTPS?

Yes, it’s highly recommended. This ensures all your visitors use the secure version of your site and prevents duplicate content issues for SEO.

Can I install SSL on multiple subdomains?

Yes, but you’ll need to configure each subdomain separately in your Blogger settings and DNS configuration.

Will installing SSL break my existing links or affect my search rankings?

If implemented correctly with proper redirects, SSL shouldn’t negatively impact your existing links or rankings. In fact, it may improve your search visibility over time.

How can I check if my SSL certificate is installed correctly?

Use online tools like SSL Labs or Why No Padlock to perform a comprehensive check of your SSL configuration.

What’s the difference between SSL and TLS?

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the successor to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). When we say “SSL” today, we’re usually referring to TLS, as SSL is deprecated.

Do I need technical expertise to install SSL on Blogger?

While some technical knowledge is helpful, Blogger’s process is designed to be user-friendly. Following a step-by-step guide like this one should be sufficient for most users.

Can I use a wildcard SSL certificate with Blogger?

Blogger doesn’t support custom SSL certificates, including wildcard certificates. You’ll need to use their provided SSL feature.

Will SSL protect my website from all types of attacks?

SSL encrypts data transmission, protecting against eavesdropping and data tampering. However, it doesn’t protect against all types of attacks. Additional security measures are still necessary.

What if I want to switch back to HTTP after installing SSL?

While not recommended for security reasons, you can disable HTTPS in your Blogger settings. However, this may negatively impact your SEO and user trust.

Can I use SSL with a custom domain email on Blogger?

Blogger doesn’t provide email hosting. For a custom domain email with SSL, you’ll need to use a separate email hosting service.

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