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Top SSL Certificate Providers in South Africa

South Africa has several service provider who offer different kinds of SSL certificates. The leading ones are:

  1. Ask SSL, who provide the following SSL Certificates
    1. Ask SSL starter at $ 3.99 per year
    2. Multi-Domain SSL for $16.99/year
    3. Wildcard SSL from $45.99/year
  2. Host Africa, who provide four SSL certificates which include;
    1. Rapid SSL at R 249/year,
    2. Geotrust Quick SSL Premium at R 1099/year,
    3. Geotrust True Business ID at R 1399/year and
    4. Rapid SSL Wild Card at R 1999/ year.
  3. Web Guru provides;Rapid SSL Domain Validated SSL at R 219 / year
    1. Comodo Wildcard SSL at R 1399 / year which is popular
    2. Comodo Multi-Domain SSL at R 1599 / year and
    3. Comodo Extended Validation SSL​at R 2399 / year which is the most secure.
  4. Smart Web, who provide
    1. Domain Validation SSL Certificates, of which under it there is Comodo Positive SSL at R 195/ year, Rapid SSL at R 250/year and Thawte SSL123 at R 599/year.
    2. Extended Validation SSL Certificates, of which under it there is Comodo Extended Validation SSL at R 1899/year, Comodo Extended Validation SSL Multi-Domain at R 3999/year, and Thawte Web Server Extended Validation at R 2999/year.
    3. Multi Domain SSL of which under it there is Comodo Multi Domain at R 595/year, Comodo Unified communications at R 1599/year and Comodo Extended Validation SSL Multi-Domain at R 3999/year.
  5. Absolute Hosting provides
    1. Domain Validated SSL Certificate , under which are Comodo Positive SSL at R 180/year, Rapid SSL certificate at R 219/year and Thawte SSL at R 123/year
    2. Organization Validated Certificates and
    3. Extended Validated Certificates.
  6. Iweb provides:
    1. Domain Validates SSL Certificate
    2. Organization Validated Certificates and
    3. Extended Validated Certificates.
  7. ZA Domain provides Comodo SSL Certificates
    1. Comodo PositiveSSL Certificates at R 180/year
    2. Comodo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Certificates
    3. Comodo InstantSSL Premium
    4. Comodo InstantSSL Pro
  8. Ecotel Provides
    1.  GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium certificates at R 1030/year
    2. RapidSSL® Certificates at R 190/year
    3. GeoTrust True BusinessID at R 1400/year
    4. RapidSSL® Wildcard Certificates at R 11.19/year
    5. GeoTrust True Business ID with EV at R 2336/year
    6. Symantec Secure Site at R 4293/year
    7. GeoTrust® True BusinessID Wildcard certificate at R 5730/year
    8. Symantec Secure Site Pro at R 10, 427/year
    9. Symantec Secure Site Pro EV at R 1547/year
  9. Xneelo who provide basic, standard, advanced and masters shared hosting options.
  10. Register Domain offers GeoTrust options at
    1. GeoTrust RapidSSL at R 249/year
    2. GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium at R 999 
    3. GeoTrust True Business Extended Validated at R 3,000
    4. GeoTrust Business Wild Card at R 5750/year
  11. SSL4Less: They provide Thawte SSL Options such as:
    1. SSL123 at R 839.07/year
    2. SSL Webserver at R 2029.83/year
    3. Code signing Mac at R 2973.21/year
    4. Code signing Adobe Air at R 2973.21/year
    5. Code Signing Microsoft Authentic code at R 2973.21/year
    6. Code Signing Sun Java at R 2973.21/year
    7. Code Signing Microsoft office VBA at R 2973.21/year
    8. SSL Webserver Extended Validated at R 3674.04/year
    9. SSL 123 Wildcard at R 4862.20/year
    10. SSL Webserver Wildcard at R 6180.03

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